Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Evolution or Creation?

I know this is a very sensitive issue. But, what the heck. Its only what I think that I write here. Doesnt really have to be right (or even true for that matter).

Centuries back, there was this raging debate about whether the earth was flat or round. We've come a long way since and the church has infact accepted that the world is round. Another serious matter of contention between the two sides is the theory about the origin of life. Was it created by a divine force or did it evolve over the ages?

I dont know how many of you saw this on the news. Schools in Kansas are engaged in a bitter battle now over the inclusion of Darwin's theory of evolution in the school syllabus. The scientific community is hell bent on making a point by including this in the syllabus while those who believe in the creation theory think that this is a serious affront to their religious beliefs.

What should be done? If you ask me, I'd tell you to make both theories known to the kids. Let them decide when they think they need to choose one over the other. I've been taught evolution in school but I still believe in the existence of God and also that there was a divine hand in the creation of the world. I sometimes even think that evolution in itself a divine doing. Maybe, God wanted us to be a monkey before he made us a human. Maybe, he wanted us to appreciate the faculties we have by giving it to us one by one.

Bouquets - I do not expect for this. Brickbats - I do.... So, keep them coming!


i donno what others are going to send u. i dont have roses to offer but a big clap!!!!! there is definetely god. i dont believe in atheism.

By Blogger Suguna, at 3:59 PM, May 10, 2005  

Janus Man, I think you might be right in one perspective and not in another.

By Blogger Pal, at 3:57 AM, May 11, 2005  

which one?? do explain...like to hear more..!

By Blogger Vinod, at 1:02 PM, May 11, 2005  

Hmm... I didnt have much to say about Rajini but on this one, I sure do! There are many theories on evolution and I agree with your idea of letting the children see all of them rather than filtering what we feel is right. Going on to what I think: The first form of existence was thought. The world we see around was first perceived as thought and then this thought was given a form. Now even people who believe in God would agree with me coz dont you think God thought about how his creation should be before he made it?
Which reminds me of a quote: Nature is the face of God.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:33 PM, May 11, 2005  

Completely agree with you Pearl..!!

God to me is not a 4 headed human form who has magical powers nor is he a burning shrub in a hill!! Although, I feel that there's nothing wrong in giving a face and form to your belief/faith!!

The divine force that I am talking about could be anything...! Energy or Nature.. I am not too good at combining philosophy and science..I'll leave it to the experts to do that.. I'll continue blabbering on like this :-))

Thanks for your comments though..

By Blogger Vinod, at 4:53 PM, May 12, 2005  

If you want to know what the vedas have to say about the origin of the universe go to http://www.sulekha.com/expressions/articledesc.asp?cid=306708

-- Praveen

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:16 PM, May 12, 2005  

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By Blogger Pal, at 1:45 AM, May 13, 2005  

Janus man, I have got a one stop solution to all the knowledge problems, a panacea to cure all knowledge deficiency ills,


By Blogger Pal, at 1:46 AM, May 13, 2005  

pal..u still didnt tell me what perspective i was right about? and what I was wrong about?

praveen and morpho...great links! thanks..

By Blogger Vinod, at 2:55 AM, May 13, 2005  

another janus post!!!
i agree with vinod.. there is some supreme power (mayb just a ball of energy or watever),at a higher level of abstraction than us..i agree evolution took place, but the first product from where all this started was created by that power.. who created that power?? it cannot b understood by us, its like trying to figure out wat is on top of mt.everest standing at its foothills!!

just to make things a little confusing.. here is a link which advocates that earth's life originated in mars...


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:21 PM, May 13, 2005  

Ah ... the good old monkey days. Damn ... why did we need to evolve into humans?
It was so much fun to sit on branches of trees in the forest and ogle at the female monkeys *sigh*


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:16 AM, May 17, 2005  

Darwin must be turning in his grave!
What next, biology classes discussing Adam's ribs? oh come on, you really cant wish to make the students learn both the theories(though I wouldnt call Creationism a theory at all), its like 2 totally contradicting theories. And letting them pick their choice on whats right is a bad idea as well. Its not that I'm an Atheist. But Creationism definitely has no place in the science classes.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:57 AM, September 20, 2008  

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