Friday, April 22, 2005

The next 100 days

The next 100 days of my life are going to be very important. (I started off with a number much smaller than 100, but eventually decided that I wont be able to do all that in that time). I am at the fag-end of my masters degree (or atleast, that what is my current plan!) and there are quite a few things lined up for me in these 100 days.

Let me start of with things that I am certain about. I will attend the 'Walk down the Hill' (Graduation ) ceremony on the 22nd of May. My parents are coming down from India (my graduation is certainly the reason they chose this date. Although their visit was planned 2 years back). My sister and her family (Yohooooo.. my little niece Ashmita too) will be here. A couple of friends plan to attend. Add to it the coincidence that its my Mom and Dad's 30th wedding anniversary on the 22nd of May. So,thats a big day for me!

This period of time will hopefully see me writing the last examination of my life (I've been saying this for some years now). I will also start off with my final project.

Now, the uncertain part. I will probably defend my project in August (after sweating out through the whole of summer :-) ) . I will also have to start looking out for a job! If/When I get one (my Mom/Dad get wild when I say "if i get a job" ), I will probably have to move out of Lawrence which has been my home for 1 1/2 years now. Hmm...Thinking of that, I grown to like Lawrence very much now. I've made some good friends here. It was like a big break for me after working for almost 4 years. I will probably miss Lawrence a lot!

So, busy days ahead!

And Sasi, Hope you had a great bday (yesterday)!


The same applies for me too!! So much to accomplish in so li'l time.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:21 PM, April 22, 2005  

Glad to know I come in the "good friends of Lawrence category!" :)
All the best for 22nd! We should make it big for your parents.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:57 PM, April 24, 2005  

Hey...Why dont you just post the message with your name? I wont harm you in anyway ;-)

By Blogger Vinod, at 2:29 PM, April 24, 2005  

Hmm, you very well know who it is :). I am famous for shouting at people when they call me up ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:55 PM, April 25, 2005  

Now, I know ;-)

By Blogger Vinod, at 2:29 PM, April 25, 2005  

Poda Loosu!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:05 PM, April 26, 2005  

Hey...congrats and all the very best !!
....and my wishes to ur parents !....

By Blogger ~phobiac~, at 11:16 PM, April 26, 2005  

Life is really very different in the States, out here i have got so much time and not much to do...I am just finding ways to pass time by posting comments...kidding... guess you need the taste of the life on the fast lane... try to join some company in the "Big Apple" New York City...

By Blogger Pal, at 1:37 AM, April 27, 2005  


well.. its about time right?

By Blogger Vinod, at 11:32 AM, April 27, 2005  

yep! the walk down the hill will definitely be exciting! will definitely be more special to have your parents and family around.

Now the only thing remaining is for you to complete the course ;).


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:55 PM, April 27, 2005  

I've always wanted to wear the graduation gown! back home, only the university topper (in my case, my class topper) got to attend the ceremony!

who said anything about completing a course?

By Blogger Vinod, at 11:35 PM, April 27, 2005  

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