Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Today, our college mathematics professor Dr. Kanakaraj died of a heart attack. He is one of the best teachers I've ever had all my life. There were lots of things about him that I admired. Apart from the fact that he was a very good mathematician, I liked it that he never had favorites in class. He treated everyone equal and gave us all respect ( Back in India, I think thats something we rarely get from our teachers).

I will remember him for tossing those little bits of chalk at those who were whispering or wandering away. I will remember him for being very helpful to my dad when he went to his house to get my recommendation letters signed. I will remember him for being the good person that he was. And most of all, I will remember him for always giving his best to all his students.

Farewell Sir! May your soul rest in peace. We will hope and pray that the God Almighty gives your family, courage and strength during this period of grief.


May his soul rest in peace. May Lord Krishna give the strength to his family members and bestow all good things of life on them.

Of all the wonderful mathematics staff I had since my school days, I feel that Mr. Kanakaraj is a student's Professor, I mean teach the syllabus in a way almost every student in the class understands it pretty well.

By Blogger Pal, at 2:52 AM, April 21, 2005  

Teachers make such a powerful impression on us and I am so sorry to hear this sad news! I can imagine what a loss it is to so many many students, leave alone his family and loved ones. But people like him live always, in the legacy they leave behind...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:59 PM, April 21, 2005  

I heard the news from a friend in KCT. I was aghast! I checked with a few people to make sure it was really true...I used to always look up to Dr. Kanagaraj not just for his immense Mathematical talent but also for his humane and fair nature. I too have written a farewell note for him in my blog (

I lost my Math teacher in school to a tragic act of violence and now Dr. Kanagaraj. May his soul rest in peace and his family find the strength to come out of this ordeal.

By Blogger Smashinguy, at 8:02 PM, May 05, 2005  

I visited this blog via a video link from google. The faces all seemed to be very familiar to em. I reckoned them as student os cse of the 2000 passout. I just out of curiosity visited this blog and i have now confirmed that i am in one of my senior's blog. but the way i got confirmed was shocking.

Mr.Kanagaraj, a man who stood upright and straight forward in teaching and motivating students. I attended his tutions. I never attended his classes as he never taught me. I pray for the wellbeing of his children and family.

May his soul rest in peace.

By Blogger ruby, at 7:11 PM, February 20, 2006  

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