Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sleepless in Seattle..

How much I tried not to use this title!! I knew that it would be the most banal and hackneyed expression that one could use when living in Seattle. But, I simply couldn't resist it. So, forgive me for that. (Quick update: In the past 6 non-blogging months of my life, I completed my Masters degree, found myself a job with Microsoft and moved to Seattle.)

So, I'm lying in my bed at 1:53 AM on a Thursday morning (technically) and suddenly it occurs to me to write a blog. And here I am. I know for sure that I should be sleeping now and that I'll regret this decision tomorrow when my alarm goes off at 7:30am. A little voice inside me would say-"Couldnt you have slept a little earlier?? Now, your eyes are red, you are going to be sleepy all day and unproductive at work. So, why dont you just sleep for 5 more minutes and then I'll wake you up myself. Dont worry about resetting the alarm, its only 5 minutes, I will wake you up".

And the foolish me will agree and say "Only 5 minutes, okay? Not a minute more". After a extended 5 minute period that happened to last for almost an hour, I would jump out of the bed, curse myself and rush to the bathroom, skip my morning coffee (these days its back to bournvita) and reach work at little after 9:00AM. As I drive to work, I would promise myself that I will be early to bed and early to rise the next day. Nowadays, even I dont believe that when I say it to myself :))

Lotsa things to blog about. Will be back here again soon..

PS: BTW, is anyone still visiting this page?? Guess I'll find out soon :))


Bournvita huh ? Back to school going days. I am sure We will see more of that paal (or bournvita) vadiyum mugam in the coming days. ;-)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:56 AM, April 14, 2006  

I am not surprised as you have been doing the same, since you started sleeping.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:52 PM, April 15, 2006  

u srini or ponnu?

why maanatha vaanging..!!?

movie has been caught in post production work for almost a year now .. we have a very busy editor...
but, it should be out very soon..

By Blogger Vinod, at 3:00 PM, April 17, 2006  

that was from ponnu. I didnt know there was a correlation between the number of hours one sleeps and his/her productiveness. OK, kidding. Atleast for me, it doesnt make a difference.

- Srini

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 AM, April 19, 2006  

ooi thala! padamaa? *pleasantly shocked*

By Blogger bharat, at 10:48 AM, April 21, 2006  

before you start thinking of me as a 'real' director, he's the full truth.. the movie that vjanand was talking abt is a camcorder recording of our friends doing all silly things.. we decided to give it a title and make it a video..thereby making it a movie..

what u say is true.. it shouldnt matter..especially when the person works as bad when is awake as when he is asleep :))

By Blogger Vinod, at 11:10 AM, April 21, 2006  

old habits die hard..remember your days in lawrence.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 PM, April 21, 2006  

hey janus, been here after so long. good to see you back and ur blog is so true that i do it so many times with myself. that 5 minutes is like heaven with laram ringing...........

By Blogger Suguna, at 12:20 PM, May 10, 2006  

Hi Da,

For this question, PS: BTW, is anyone still visiting this page?? Guess I'll find out soon :)

I am still accessng this page :)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:47 PM, September 29, 2008  

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