Monday, October 03, 2005

Chennai - What is happening?

Chennai as we know is one of the more conservative metros in our country. Somehow, most of us are proud to know that we have managed to retain our culture against the increasing influence of western culture. But over time, I think our politicians have gone overboard by trying to "enforce culture".

A couple of months back I read about the illogical censoring of a Tamil movie that was released almost a year ago. Apparently, it was re-censored because politicians felt that the movie was immoral and was degrading our culture. They protested by felling 50 year old trees on national highways. Incase you hadnt notice, these trees are the real reason for our degrading moral values !! Anyways, thats a different issue altogther. Now, coming to another important issue.

For the last 2 weeks, Chennai was at the center of media attention unfortunately for all the bad reasons. First off, it was actress Khushboo who had to apologize for airing her views on pre-marital sex. Then, it was a 5 star hotel whose license was revoked and had to close because a few party crashing journalists found couples kissing on the dance floor. And lastly, a engineering college student was 'ragged' by his principal and staff for wearing a dark coloured shirt and talking to girls! Blasphemous!!!

As regards to Khushboo's views, I personally dont agree to it and neither do many other people in Tamilnadu. So what? Does that in anyway change her right to say what she wants? Doesnt she live in a country that gives its citizens freedom of speech? I used to think so. But, I am having serious doubts now. So, Khushboo said something and you dont like it. Go ahead and voice your protest. But, burning her effigies? Legal actions? Isnt that going a little too far. We have to understand that different people have different opinions and learn to tolerate views you dont agree with or support.

About closing Park hotel. People, tell me - WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING? Kissing is now crime? That too on dance floors. I think the police and politicians should realize that they have more important things to take care of. Does the police diary read something like this:

1. Capture/Kill Veerappan - DONE
2. Find couples kissing on 5 star hotel dance floors and revoke licenses - DONE
3. ....
4. ....

The couple happened to be guests at a private party. Whats wrong in them kissing each other. Maybe the party crashing journalists should be arrested for trespassing.

Lastly, a student from MNM Jain Engineering college, Chennai was pulled up by his principal for breaching the dress code by wearing a red shirt to college. If you might remember, all engineering colleges under Anna University are bound by 'The Dress Code' which bans T-shirts and jeans. But, this college has taken it to a whole new level by adding additional regulations banning dark colored shirts. Are we in Chennai darkest days?

Seriously people. Something's wrong.


II think what's happening in Chennai is a confused reaction of certain sections of the middle/lower middle4 classes born out of insecurity to the rapid changes in the economic and cultural landscape. I think this will pass and I hope this ridiculous, unconstitutional misuse of State power ignites a debate and counter reaction among progressive and thoughtful people especially the youth and actually brings about even faster changes, that will be the just and fitting reply to these medieval, prudish fascists.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:48 PM, October 04, 2005  

nice thoughts. did you read the article in about this?

the governemnt should stop moral policing of individuals. like you say, there are more important things for them to do.

The K (??)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:27 PM, October 04, 2005  

i guess it is all political reasons.. other than that, i cannot think of any other reason for that park hotel incident..

By Blogger hariharan, at 10:35 PM, October 04, 2005  

Some politicial parties are looking for some cheap publicity through these incidents.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:55 AM, October 05, 2005  

Unfortunately, democracy will take a painfully long time before it is perfect.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:24 PM, October 05, 2005  

yeah very true. great post. i felt very bad and the thing was that the manager of teh floor and other 2 people were arrested from the hotel. i quite dint understand the logic. so bad. i think they just want to blow a big bubble without air. but i am sure it wont stay longer

By Blogger Suguna, at 9:48 AM, October 07, 2005  

have to agree with ponnu on the democracy thing..

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:09 PM, October 10, 2005  

Janus man,
Checked out your directorial venture...when is the movie releasing?Whole Tamil Nadu is waiting for it ! :P

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:34 PM, November 13, 2005  

So u say that kissing in public is ok, but not safe sex before or after marriage? uhmm... interesting view...

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:37 AM, December 21, 2005  

i think u read me wrong.. never said safe sex before/after marriage is wrong.. what khushboo said was it would be foolish for men to expect their brides to be virgins.. thats what i dont accept! anyway, i still feel its her right to say what she thinks!

By Blogger Vinod, at 3:18 AM, December 21, 2005  

i want a copy of PUMKA... can u help...

By Blogger inirs, at 3:17 AM, January 03, 2006  

Yeah u r rite. Chennai is not doin gud nowadays in these matters.
about the college, there r a lot more colleges who have the same stupid restrictions( i come from a college like that called RMK). comparing to other states, tamilnadu people has to change their attitude. otherwise, nothin is gonna change

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, January 07, 2006  

your home movie is cool
did u complete ur movie

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, January 11, 2006  

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