Saturday, February 26, 2005

Google Goliath

A poll conducted by MSN Search found that search engines are the first port of call for nearly half of men seeking advice. Family are consulted by a third, while partners are the choice for only one in four men. Hmm...doesnt that mean men talk to search engines more than their girlfriends, colleagues and family? That is the power of search engines...That is the power of Google. I am sure some of you want to go and search for "poll +MSN search + seeking advice" on Google as soon as you finish reading this. Well, thats what I would do.

I simply love Google for the simple matter of fact that I can continue to remain ignorant on any topic and still get information I need on the topic with a mouse click. No more long hours in the library trying to find answers (and I dont mean answers to only my school assignments and homework). I sometimes wonder how it would have been to do homeworks/coding assignments when Google was not around. (Hate to have been studying when there was no Internet, no search engines !! )

As everyone continues to heap lavish praises on Google's speed/accuracy etc, there's something I would like to discuss. Google is now diversifying. Its into anything thats something on the internet. It now has its own mail service, map service, news site, ecommerce site, blogger site, photo organizer among a host of other services. And guess what?! Google now has its own domain name registration site !! Will Google start integrating these? Probably using something called a Google Passport to login. Coming to think of it...Will Google become the Microsoft of the Internet? Well, according to , that might well be in the offing. I wouldnt agree completely with what the site says (It potrays Google as the scheming sinister force that wants to take over your world). But, it was interesting to see things from another perspective.

PS: Comparing Google to Goliath was certainly a no-no. But, I simply couldnt resist the tempation to equate the growing Google giant to the biblical Giant who was killed by a shepherd's sling.


« (...)No more long hours in the library trying to find answers (...)», well, finding anwers to questions its not the same to find solutions for problems. For this you must take hard work. I have a Janus blog too.
I'll enjoy your blogcompanionship

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:47 AM, February 27, 2005  

'Microsoft of the Internet' is supposed to mean 'The Bully of the Internet'. Users were given no choice, since everything we use belonged to MS (atleast sometime back). They started shipping everything with Windows (the browser, mail client etc etc)

Will Google one day become like that?


By Blogger Vinod, at 4:15 AM, February 28, 2005  

I wasnt aware that google is into lot such service offerings including domain name registration site. Thats interesting.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:59 AM, March 01, 2005  

Are you sure Google is into Domain Registration yet?
i did like Google Maps - there's still lot of room for development there.
true!what would we do without a good search engine? i remember those days searching using altavista, lycos, ask jeeves & getting results no where close to what we wanted.
Google always seems to be ahead of the game. when the competitors try & catch up , Google's off to a new one!

Wonder what happened to the "cool" search engine "WIRED"

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:14 PM, March 01, 2005  

Hey you anonymous people...

Atleast leave your name! I'm breaking my head trying to figure out how someone would know about 'WIRED' ?!?


By Blogger Vinod, at 2:08 AM, March 02, 2005  

Hallo! Great job with your blog! Kudos :)
Good to know your perspectives on various issues!
Hope you enjoy sharing your views as much as we enjoy reading them!
Pearl ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, March 05, 2005  

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