Friday, February 18, 2005

Schumi vs Narain

If you had read my first post (which reasoned the name 'Janus' for the blog), here's an instance of Janus-ism at its best.

I am sure most of you are aware that Narain Karthikeyan has been signed by Jordan to be their race driver for 2005. I have reason to be especially proud since Narain is from my hometown - Coimbatore. One more reason I relate to him is that, his younger brother was my classmate in school. How I wish I had moved more closely with him :-)

Also have to tell you that I am a great fan of Ferrari and Schumi.. ( Well, I was one of the Red Ferraristi, watching Schumi win in Indy last year.) So, this year Narain brings with him a truck load of confusion to my already confused head ! Although I understand (just like Narain would) that its going to be long way before Jordan even matches Ferrari standards, I kind of have this secret desire that Narain makes a podium finish (and maybe even break open the champagne) before the end of this year.

So, the 'Schumi vs Narain' in the title is in no way related to the race on the tracks...simply the confusion that looms in my head. Well, I've decided to go with the dark horse this time.

Go Narain !! Run those fellas over!


I know nothing about F1. However, I welcome vinod's decision to support narain as that is what every indian would do. Obviously, you don't have to know about the game to support your fellow country men.

Also, I have a long pending(??!!) question for the F1 enthusiasts about F1 or all racing championships for that matter. How much fuel is being wasted for these races(or for F1 atleast) in an year ?

I have read somewhere that the fuel consumption could go upto 200 litres for a stretch of 300km. I don't know if that is correct. May be, even more. How do you guys, the F1 enthusiasts, justify such a wastage ? Never forget that the wastage here is a non-renewable resource.-Praveen Ponnu

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:12 AM, February 18, 2005  


There's a lot to F1 than just racing. All these are research on new technology on engines/tyres and what not. The drivers are simply guinea pigs who are risking it and driving these untested parts(not completely true). Some of these might end up in the Hondas and Toyotas that you drive 2 years from now. (Well atleast thats what I thought happens)

Well, it doesnt hurt that the racing also pumps adrenaline to those millions who watch it. So, dont worry about the fuel, its just being used for research :-)


By Blogger Vinod, at 3:53 PM, February 18, 2005  

I totally agree with vinod. from his earler days, speed is one thing man has been craving for and as many would agree, F1 is synonymous with SPEED!! there are so many other places where we waste a lot of other things. with around a billion fans to follow it, so many automobile companies involved, so many engineers involved, so much revenue generated, i guess it deserves this much fuel afterall!!

As far as schumi and narain thing goes, i totally agree with you guys. Firstly, my hearty congrats to narain for making it to this level. This in itself is a VICTORY for him and so many F-1 enthusiasts from our country!

I remember critics writing him off a few years ago and to make it to F-1 is in itself an incredible achievement! I am for sure expecting him to be at the podium alongside the great schumi..that would be awesome!!

And one more thing i would like to add is MONTOYA... montoya is with mclaren this time, i assume things will be a bit different.. an avid fan of schumi myself, but i too feel its time F-1 returns to its challenging best..schumi looks the greatest only when he is challenged!!

Go narain go!
Go montoya go!
as always, go schumi go!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:22 PM, February 18, 2005  

Although, I don't know much on the technical details about F1,
I do wish our man from coimbatore makes a mark on F1.
Also, I think these guys loose lots of weight from each race.
Iam not sure, how true it is.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:09 AM, February 19, 2005  

You know what? F1 is the third most watched sport in the world. That's why chandrababa naidu, tried to get the F1 track near hyderabad. You know why? 'cause it's all money honey, right from the word GO. In any business, the ROI and profits should be calculated. I guess the ROI on this business is pretty high compared to any other business which uses the non-renewable resource. I guess even TCS would be with me on this, since now they have bagged the huge software project for some F1 stuff.

By Blogger Pal, at 9:06 AM, February 21, 2005  

Well Pals...I guess you'll have to educate us on what ROI is !?!?

And yeah...TCS has this big contract from Ferrari...When I first saw the news, I thought it was probably payroll processing or office automation for Ferrari employees !! But, looks like its the embedded engineering stuff that TCS is into! Never knew TCS has that kind of expertise.. Ferrari is a no nonsense company and wouldnt just give out the contract to anyone!

By Blogger Vinod, at 2:00 PM, February 21, 2005  

Hi janus man, ROI means Return on Investment. I guess the term is self explanatory now. Ferrari is no nonsense company, u know what TCS is also no nonsense company. They do wide range of projects, right from fundu stuff to very ordinary maintenance work...

By Blogger Pal, at 9:21 AM, February 23, 2005  

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