Friday, April 22, 2005

The next 100 days

The next 100 days of my life are going to be very important. (I started off with a number much smaller than 100, but eventually decided that I wont be able to do all that in that time). I am at the fag-end of my masters degree (or atleast, that what is my current plan!) and there are quite a few things lined up for me in these 100 days.

Let me start of with things that I am certain about. I will attend the 'Walk down the Hill' (Graduation ) ceremony on the 22nd of May. My parents are coming down from India (my graduation is certainly the reason they chose this date. Although their visit was planned 2 years back). My sister and her family (Yohooooo.. my little niece Ashmita too) will be here. A couple of friends plan to attend. Add to it the coincidence that its my Mom and Dad's 30th wedding anniversary on the 22nd of May. So,thats a big day for me!

This period of time will hopefully see me writing the last examination of my life (I've been saying this for some years now). I will also start off with my final project.

Now, the uncertain part. I will probably defend my project in August (after sweating out through the whole of summer :-) ) . I will also have to start looking out for a job! If/When I get one (my Mom/Dad get wild when I say "if i get a job" ), I will probably have to move out of Lawrence which has been my home for 1 1/2 years now. Hmm...Thinking of that, I grown to like Lawrence very much now. I've made some good friends here. It was like a big break for me after working for almost 4 years. I will probably miss Lawrence a lot!

So, busy days ahead!

And Sasi, Hope you had a great bday (yesterday)!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


Today, our college mathematics professor Dr. Kanakaraj died of a heart attack. He is one of the best teachers I've ever had all my life. There were lots of things about him that I admired. Apart from the fact that he was a very good mathematician, I liked it that he never had favorites in class. He treated everyone equal and gave us all respect ( Back in India, I think thats something we rarely get from our teachers).

I will remember him for tossing those little bits of chalk at those who were whispering or wandering away. I will remember him for being very helpful to my dad when he went to his house to get my recommendation letters signed. I will remember him for being the good person that he was. And most of all, I will remember him for always giving his best to all his students.

Farewell Sir! May your soul rest in peace. We will hope and pray that the God Almighty gives your family, courage and strength during this period of grief.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

How I wish !

Its always during days like these that I miss home the most. Its Vishu (Mallu Newyear's day) and Tamil Puththandu ( Tamil Newyear) today!!

Back home, the day would have begun with my parents waking me up, covering my eyes and dragging me to see the 'chithirai kani' or 'vishu kani' ( its an beautiful arrangement of fresh fruits, vegetables, currency notes, silk clothes, jewelry, a lighted lamp and a mirror). What a sight it would have been!

My mom would let me sleep for some more time. And as soon as I wake up, I would take a nice oil bath ( well, the oil part is optional not the bath) and then make a visit to the temple. We would come back to a hot breakfast that mom has already laid out on the table for us. I would then start watching special programmes on SUN TV (Solomon Pappaiya's patti mandram, new tamil songs and ofcourse one 'India tholaikaachigal mudhal murayaga' Tamil movie) . My mom and dad would try to switch the channel to Surya or Asianet hoping to catch some Mallu programs! Although I usually dont let that happen :-)

We would get 'Vishu Kai-neetams' where elders in the family give money/blessings (had to include 'blessings' to make it sound a little more decent) to the young ones. It used to be a day when money only comes in. But, as I got older, money also goes out :(

And what festival would it be without good food! We will be treated to a grand and sumptous 'Sadhya' - a traditional kerala lunch. With Pappadam, Payasam, Yeruseri, Sambar, Rasam, Upperi and lots of other yummy stuff!

How much I miss all that !!

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


The world saw two lives being brought to an end last week. These two people had been sick and ailing for a long time. And their death was never a surprise and was an event in the happening for sometime now. But, the similarity ends there. I am talking about the death of Pope John Paul II and Terri Schiavo.

Last week, I also saw this movie called 'The Sea Inside'. It is based on the true story of a man who was a quadriplegic ( paralyzed from the neck down). He waged a long and unsuccessful legal battle to end his life 'with dignity'. To him , Life without freedom was not life. In the end, he manages to take his life and tells the world that life is a right and never an obligation!

In Terri's case, things were a little different. She remained in a semi-comatose state for many years after her accident. Her husband, Michael Schiavo was the one who made the decision to end her vegetative existence. He opined that Terri would find more peace in her death and thought she would have had done the same thing (if she could have).

The Pope, on the other hand, lived through his life fulfilling his obligations as the guardian of the Roman Catholic Church. His ailments and illness did not keep him from giving up. During the last few years, the Pope appeared frail and weak and Parkinson's seemed to get the better of him. Even during the days of his suffering, when asked about the Terri Schiavo case, he felt that the end of life is a question only in the hands of God. He also believed that death was not something that must be in the hands of politicians or in the hands of physicians, but in the hands of God only.

People see life in different ways! For one, life without freedom is life without dignity. For the other, death offers more peace than a useless life. And for the other, life in itself is never yours. The only thing in your hands is the way you live it.

The relations I see in these deaths might simply be because they happened in the same week. Dont know if any of this makes any sense. Anyways!