Friday, May 19, 2006

Lady with the red spider

A couple of days back, I was waiting in the parking lot of my apartment for a friend to pick me up. He was already late by 10 minutes. I called him and he told me that he'll be outside my house in 5 minutes. And so I decided to sit on the stairs facing the parking lot. (For those wondering why I didnt go back up to my apartment or just wait inside, I injured my leg last month and walking up the stairs is still a pain.)

A few minutes passed. A gentleman from the next apartment complex walked up to me. He seemed to be headed in my direction and I was getting ready moving myself to one side of the stairs to allow him to pass through. He greeted me and I reciprocated. Then, we did some small talk about the weather that afternoon. I also told him I had been waiting for almost 15 minutes for my friend to pick me up.
For ease of understanding, here's the rest of our conversation:

Him: So, you've been waiting for 15 minutes? Did you see a girl with a red spider?
(I was a little confused, I didnt know if I heard him correct)
Me: Excuse me?
Him: I'm waiting for my friend. She's supposed to meet me here.
Me: No. I didnt see anyone like that.
Me: Did you say she had a red spider?
Him: Yeah.


Right then, a car drove towards us. I saw that it wasn't my friend and so, I looked away. But, the guy I was talking to, turned to me and said that his friend was here and waved a bye-bye and went towards the car. That was when I realized... The color of the car was Red and the model was a 'Toyota Spyder'!!