Thursday, June 02, 2005


Had decided to take a small nap from blogging, turned out to be a big slumber.

So, I've officially graduated (although I still havent completed my final project). My family and friends turned up and made it special for me. My parents were here only 3 days and my mom made my favorite puttu, adai etc...We had a dosa party at home (Courtesy: My mom and one of my friends here). It was all fun! Ofcourse, there were a lot of tense moments. Like the time when I stood in the graduation ceremony without my gown because it was being brought in another car (which got caught in the traffic) and another time when I dropped my friend off at the airport terminal 10 minutes before her flight and we found out that we were in the wrong terminal. But overall, things turned out fine.

I went to Smoky mountains for the memorial weekend. Maybe, I'll blog abt it next.. Lets see...

The inertia was getting built pretty rapidly and I just wanted to break the proverbial ice with this post! Will come back with a better one soon...